
Hi, we are the Vanderpools! A husband (Nate) and wife (Ashley) duo from the heart of America. Our mission is to capture a moment in your grand adventure. And also make it a good time.

Our Process

We are natural-light photographers with a keen eye for the intimate moments. Our favorite things to capture are the small glances, looks, and eye rolls that can often be overlooked when someone says, “CHEESE!” We are not as interested in the “perfect” picture as we are in the real picture that shows love, excitement, and joy between loved ones.

A Little More Than You Asked For…




  • finding a complicated puzzle, like her husband, and putting it together and making all the pieces work

  • literally anything to do with serial killers, unsolved murders, or fictional murders that may, one day, take place


  • sarcasm, which is sad because nate is really good at it

  • when people make documentaries about cold cases, but they make no headway on the case and leave it at a mystery

  • when nate eats anywhere in her general vicinity


  • great beard

  • uses sarcasm like a gladiator wields a sword (much to ashley’s chagrin)

  • loves his wife to pieces

  • knows a lot about The Office, and will interject a quote whenever you need one.


  • if he didn’t have glasses, there is no way he could be a photographer… or drive a car for that matter

  • loves cheese to the point that it has been used by others as the one fact that they know about him